Allâh Ta’âla says: |
"And do not go near zina. It is indeed a shameful and an evil path." (Surah Al Isrâ’, Ayah 32) |
Allâh Ta’âla says: |
"The woman and the man guilty of fornication - lash each of them with a hundred lashes. Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allâh, if you believe in Allâh and the Last day and let a group of believers witness their punishment". (Surah Al-Nûr, Ayah 2)
Rasûlullah said: "…adultery of the eyes is when it looks at that which is Harâm; adultery of the ears is when it listens to that which is Harâm; adultery of the tongue is when it utters Harâm; adultery of the hands is when it touches Harâm; adultery of the feet is when it walks towards Harâm; adultery of the heart is when it desires and hopes for that which is Harâm; adultery of the private parts is when it succumbs to that which is Harâm." (Targhib wa Tarhîb)
From the above Hadîth it is clear and apparent that Islam forbids not only the act of adultery but all acts that invite and encourage the act of zina. Islam shuts the door to the root of every evil.
Nabî said: "There are three such people with whom Allâh Ta’âla will not speak to (with words of mercy and kindness) nor will Allâh Ta’âla look at them (with eyes of mercy) nor will Allâh Ta’ala purify them, and for them is a painful punishment:
Once Nabî remarked, "A dayyûth [cuckold] will never enter Jannah." The Sahâba enquired, "Who is a Dayyûth?" Nabî replied, "A man who is not bothered about who visits his wife." (Sunnats) |
Touching a Strange Woman with Lust |
It has been reported that the person who touches a strange woman with lust, on the day of resurrection his hands will be shackled to his neck. If he kissed her, his lips will be cut off and thrown in the fire of Jahannum. If he committed adultery then his thighs will bear witness to it and testify against him on the Day of Qiyâmat. It will say to him, "I was mounted for something impermissible." Allâh will look at him with anger. The flesh of his face will fall off and he will proclaim "What did I do?" His tongue will testify and say, "I spoke to whom it was not permissible for you to talk to." His legs will testify, "I walked towards something unlawful." His hands will testify "I held something which was prohibited for you." His eyes will testify "I gazed at unlawful things." His private parts will testify "I committed the act." An angel will say, "I heard it" while another will say, "I’ve written it down." Allâh will say "I was aware of it and I concealed it." Then Allâh will say to the angels "Let him taste of my punishment. My anger has increased on one who has no shame." (Kitâb-ul-Kaba’ir)
In a Hadîth narrated by Samurah (RA) regarding a dream of Nabî , it is mentioned that Jibra’îl and Mikâ’îl (AS) came to Nabî .
Nabî says: "We walked until we came to something that looked like an oven. Its top section was narrow and the inside was broad. From it sounds of screaming and noise was heard."
Nabî further says: "We looked inside and we saw naked men and women. We also saw flames from beneath them. When these flames scorched them, they screamed." I asked Jibra’îl (AS): "Who are these people?" He replied, "These are the males and females who committed the grave act of zina. This will be their punishment till the day of Qiyâmat." (Bukhari) |
Homosexuality and its Disastrous Consequences |
The Qur’ân has mentioned the story of the nation of Lût (AS) in this regard. Hence Nabî said: "I fear for my nation that they become involved in the act of the nation of Lut u, and whosoever does such an action is accursed." Then Nabî said thrice: "May Allâh curse the person who does the act of the nation of Lut (AS)." (Kitâb-ul-Kabair) |
Hadîth Warns Parents |
Rasûlullah has said: "When he attains maturity get him married. If he attains maturity and his father does not get him married, (and as a result commits a sin,) this sin falls upon the father." |
Therefore, once a child becomes bâligh (of age) and mentally matured, parents and guardians should not delay in getting them married. |
It is Harâm for boys and girls to court. The parents will be sinful if they allow strange men or boys to visit the females of their homes. Parents should not take any command of Allâh Ta’âla lightly.
Rasûlullah Speaks to Youth |
Rasûlullah said: "O young men, who amongst you can afford to get married, should marry, for this will be a means of restraining the eyes from casting an evil glance and keeping one pure and chaste." (Mishkât)
Rasûlullah encouraged young men to become married so that they be saved from sin and the wrath of Allâh. |
The Harms of Zina [Adultery/Fornication] are Manifold |
Hazrat Anas (RA) reports that Nabî said: "Imân is a garb with which Allâh clothes whomsoever he wishes. If a person commits adultery this garb is snatched away and if he repents it is again returned" (Kitâb-ul-Kabair). |
It is reported that once Nabî said, "O Muslims, fear adultery as it has six consequences. Three in this world and three in the hereafter. As for the worldly consequences; spiritual light from the face vanishes, life is shortened and a person becomes poverty-stricken. As for the hereafter; it causes Allâh’s displeasure, difficult reckoning and it obligates the punishment of Jahannam." (Kitâb-ul- Kabair.) |
The Result of Young Peole of Marriageable Age who Do Not Get Married |
When there is no taq’wa (fear of Allâh) in an unmarried person’s life, the passions of such a person are fulfilled in one of the following ways:
The Solutions |
To make nikâh. Nikâh in Islâm is very simple, easy and full of barakâh. If one cannot make nikâh due to some shar’î reason, he/she should resort to the following:
A Youth Seeks Permission to Commit Adultery |
A youth (from the outlying regions) came to Nabî and said: "Please permit me to commit adultery." The Companions of the Nabî took this very ill and were enraged at his words; but Nabî said to him: "Come nearer to me. Would you like anyone to commit adultery with your mother?" He said: "Not at all." Nabî said: "Then other people will also never tolerate such a shameful act with their mothers." Then Nabî asked him the same question about his sister, aunt, etc. And he answered each time in the negative. Then Nabî put his hand on his chest and prayed: "O Allâh! Purify his heart, forgive his sins and guard him against adultery." The reporters say that, after this, nothing was more hateful to him than adultery. |
12 tahun yang lalu
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